Hey everyone, I’m Zainab M., (aka Angry Bird), a blogger-turned-bookstagrammer-turned-editor. Bit of a mouthful, sorry! I wanted to take the opportunity to open the doors to my life and share a bit about myself.
Here goes nothing…
Many people ask me where my love for books came from, and if I am honest, it is impossible to pinpoint the exact time. Reading has always been a massive part of my life; it is my passion, my escapism, my rabbit hole to disappear down when I want to hide from the world. What can I say other than I adore books?
I remember being introduced to Grimms’ Fairy Tales when I was a young girl, and I was hooked instantly. You know how hard it is to come back from that enchanting place! Shortly after that, I knew that my future would involve words and stories in a big way. And that’s how I ended up here, doing what I love and helping you guys create amazing things.

In 2015, a friend approached me with a beta reading opportunity and that’s where it all started. As my confidence grew, more opportunities came my way, and in time I was working for a number of my unicorn authors. I am not one to brag, but it’s ok to blow your own trumpet occasionally.
My love for reading has always been complex. If I’m not reading a novel, I can be found buried inside a Wikipedia page, reading God knows what! I am a meticulous grammarian who is sarcastic and friendly (goes without saying), but with a niche for constructive criticism and appraisal where required. I also have a clingy and annoying personality, so you have been warned.
Saying all that, I am passionate about what I do and I love working with others who have that same passion.
It makes for a great partnership. You will be in safe hands, I promise!
Anyway, enough about that, let’s get to the juicy stuff. I feel like I am writing a dating ad, but it’s all good fun, so let’s do this. I am the only child of the most incredible parents you can imagine, and an annoying AF spoilt introvert. I'll keep going if you are still reading because I have so much more to share. How much, you ask. Don’t panic; we are nearly there. Oh, so I’m a poet as well now!
My guilty pleasure would be shopping online. I am a lavish shopper.
Or maybe it is hogging KFC burgers at midnight. It could be one; it could be both. Who cares because I’m not stopping either!
I also have a soft spot for fast cars, fast driving, and travel, which all make me tingle at their very mention. TMI? Sorry, not sorry.
My husband and I have a backpack ready anytime we want to leave at short notice. Any time, any place, and we are good to go.
Who doesn’t like an adventure!
In a nutshell, that is me. I am passionate, quirky, lunatic, and brutally honest but a joy to work with, or so my clients say.
So, if you’re looking for more information on my booking availability, rates, turnaround time, etc., please feel free to check out my service page.
I think we would make a fab team!

Somlalit Institute of Business Administration.
Developmental Editing: Beginning (Editorial Freelancers Association)
Developmental Editing: Intermediate (Editorial Freelancers Association)
Proofreading and Copyediting with The Chicago Manual of Style (Editorial Freelancers Association)
Editing for Conscious and Inclusive Language (Editorial Freelancers Association)
Line Editing for Fiction and Creative Nonfiction: Beginning (Editorial Freelancers Association)
Line Editing for Fiction and Creative Nonfiction: Intermediate (Editorial Freelancers Association)
High-level Proofreading Pro (Edit Republic)
The Art of Line Editing (Edit Republic)
Advanced Editing & Manuscript Evaluation (Edit Republic)
Switching to Fiction (Louise Harnby)
How to Write the Perfect Fiction Editorial Report (Louise Harnby)